Shochorui shasei 諸鳥類写生
Shochorui shasei 諸鳥類写生 ("live portraits of various birds") is a set of three scrolls depicting 64 birds and 1 porcupine imported by the Chinese and Dutch to Japan during the 17th and 18th centuries. The scrolls were painted around the mid-18th century, with some additions in the 1780s. The scrolls are part of the Harry F. Bruning Collection of Japanese rare books and manuscripts, held by the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University.
Students in the Japanese program at BYU fall semester 2019 will be curating the scroll, adding transcriptions and annotations, in preparation for an exhibit of items related to exotic animal imports and streetshows of the Edo period (1600-1868).
Project Texts:
Shochorui shasei 諸鳥類写生 transcription and commentary