Vienna Dioscorides III.225.rt
Top Center: μήκων ἀφρώδης: Foamy Poppy.
Bottom center below main text: ὑπὸ δέ τινων Ἡρακλεία κλειθεῖσα, καυλίον ἔχει σπιθαμιαῖον καὶ τὸ φύλλον σφόδρα μικρόν, στρουθίῳ ἐοικὸς καὶ καρπὸν παρ’ αὐτῳ λευκόν καὶ τὸ ὅλον δὲ βοτάνιον λευκόν ἐστι καὶ ἀφρῶδες ῥιζαν δὲ λεπτήν, ἐπιπόλαιον. ταύτης ὁ καρπὸς συλλέγεται ὅταν τελείως ἁδρυνθῇ θέρους καὶ ξηρανθεὶς ἀποτίσθεται. καθαίρει δὲ δι’ ἐμέτων ὀξυβάφου πλῆθος σὺν μελικράτῳ λαμβανόμενος· ἰδίως δὲ ἡ τοιαύτη κάθαρσις ἐπιληπτικοῖς ἁρμόζει.
Called Herakleia by some, its stem is a span in length and its leaf is exceedingly small, like soapwort, and next to it is white fruit -indeed the whole plant is white and foamy- and the root is thin and close to the surface. Its fruit is collected when it is ripe in the summer and stored after having dried. When a saucer’s-worth is taken with honey-milk mixture it purges through vomiting: Such purging is especially suitable for epileptics.