Vienna Dioscorides II.188.rt
Top Center: κώνϊον: Hemlock.
Bottom Center: καυλὸν δὲ ἀνίησι γονατώδη ὡς μάραθον, μέγα φύλλα δὲ νάρθηκι ἐμφερῆ, στενότερα δὲ καὶ βαρυοσμότερα· ἐπ’ἄκρῳ δὲ ἀποφύσϊς καὶ σκιάδια ἄμφω ὑπολεύκων, σπέρμα ἐμφερὲς ἀνήσσῳ, λευκότερον δέ, ῥίζα κοίλη καὶ οὐ βαθεῖα. ἔστι δὲ καὶ ἀπό τῶν φθαρτικῶν κατὰ ψύξιν ἀναιροῦν· βοηθεῖται δὲ ἀκράτῳ. κυλίζεται οὖν ἄκρα ἡ κόμη πρὸ τοῦ ξηρανθῆναι τὸ σπέρμα καὶ ἐκλίβεται δὲ κοπτόμενον καὶ συστρέφεται ἐν ἡλίῳ. ἔστι δὲ πολύκρηστον εἰς τὴν ὑγιῆν χρῆσιν ξηρανθέν, μειγνύμενον ἐπιτηδείῳ ταῖς ἀνωδύνοις καὶ κολλυρίοις, τὸ χύλισμα, ἕρπητάς τε καὶ ἐρυσιπέλατα καταπλασθὲν σβέννυσιν. ἡ δὲ πόα καὶ ἡ κόμα λεῖα καταπλασσόμενα ἐπὶ τῶν διδύμων βοηθεῖ ὀνειρώττουσιν· παρίησι δὲ καὶ αἰδοῖα. καταπλασθέντα καὶ γάλα σβέννυσιν, μαστούς τε ἐν παρθενίᾳ αὔξεσθαι κωλύει καὶ διδύμους ἀτρόφους ποιεῖ ἐπὶ παίδων. ἐνεργέστατον δ’ἐστὶν τὸ Κρητικὸν καὶ τὸ ἐν τῇ Ἀσίᾳ γεννώμενον.
It sends up a stem knotted like fennel, big leaves like giant fennel, though narrower and with a heavier scent. On the top it has side-shoots and flower clusters both whitish in color, it produces seed like anise, but whiter, and the root is hollow and not deep. It is also among destructive plants [and] it kills through chilling utterly, but this is alleviated with umixed wine. Juice is extracted from the top foliage before the seed has dried, having been cut it is pressed and the juiced is condensed in the sun. Once dried the juice is very useful for restoring health when mixed correctly with analgesics and salves, and it checks shingles and skin infections when smeared on. When the foliage is ground up and smeared on the testicles it helps with nocturnal emissions, and when placed on the genitals. When plastered on it also checks [the production of] milk, it prevents the enlargement of breasts in maidenhood and it causes the testicles of boys to atrophy. The most effective strain is the Cretan and that which is grown in Asia.